Monday, February 12, 2018

UPDATE for 2-12-2018 Hurray

     I am so happy (and nervous) to report this update.  It is just anecdotal; just about me.  But maybe you can find a similar thread in your experience. I certainly hope so.  Remember to read my story so you can compare symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.  My severe vertigo and neurological symptoms began 9 years ago.
     I have always felt that a big triggering factor for me was hormones but I know of no studies which have followed this thought through in a long term study.  However, 6 months after my last period (true beginning of menopause) I had my first severe attack of vertigo which left me with Afib due to dehydration. That summer I also began hot flashes which were always worse in the hot summer months.  You can read the rest of my story in my blog.  My summers were always worse for vertigo.
     After several years of suffering and being wiped out from Meclizine and Benedrill, I found a specialist at UCI who said I was on the Migraine continuum (without headaches), needed a course of Nortriptyline and must begin the diet for migraine. I followed through on all of this, however, it did take a few years for me to wrap my head around the diet.  
     Fast forward.  My last course of Nortriptyline was consumed over a year ago.  This past summer and fall, on record as  very hot ones in southern California, I did not have any hot flashes for the first time in many years.  It may be just a coincidence  but I do not think so.  We will see if my positive state continues.  So here is what I know:

I am off all alcohol and coffee (I do put 1/4 tsp of regular instant in my decaf and it seems to be okay.  It gives me a little stimulation for the morning).
I rotate fresh avocado and banana and an orange through my week and seem to be okay with that. 
I do still eat home a lot to reduce MSG.  No Asian food.
I eat plain dark chocolate everyday - about 1 oz.  
I now can sleep on one pillow.
My hearing in my bad ear has improved; not for sound discrimination but for sound as observed with my ear phones.  I have not lost all hearing in the bad ear after all.
I still get fluctuating ear fullness but it is well helped with Allegra (allergy over the counter medication) or Nasonex.  I use these every 3 to 4 days.  Something still appears to be cause "swelling" and I do not believe it is in the inner ear.  If it was, then these medications would not work.  I think it is related to allergies and heat stimulation, like from exercise and warm weather.
I do eat salt, drink 60 ozs of fluid a day and drink a tiny amount of caffeine to keep my blood pressure from dropping low.  (This is another trigger)
On occasion, I have a beautiful moment when my ear feels great and there is no tinnitus or fullness.  It is wonderful but fleeting.  
I get only a rare feeling of vertigo, for a split second. I do avoid bending my head over, too much left- right eye motion and turning too quickly.
I now avoid some foods which I feel I have an allergic sensitivity to: strawberries, cantaloupe (the grasses) and watermelon ( a quarter cup once in a while is okay).
I am being careful and I sure hope this continues.  I may go to an allergist to find out more about what is causing the swelling that gives the sensation of ear fullness, now that the vertigo problems are 95% gone.
Good luck to all of you.  Hope my site and updates are helpful.  Beware of un-knowledgeable doctors and charlatans out there who are willing to sell you something not helpful.


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